
    Step 1: Registration

    Step 2: Your Info

    Step 3: Registration Options

    Step 4: Review

    Venu Options2 Option 1Option 2Option 3

    Rainbow Lodge Shared Room & 3 Meals/Day $410Off-Site 3 Meals/Day $235Single Day 3 Meals $76

    NWAG July 17-20,2025 Rainbow Lodge

    Registration-Three Days includes PDF Workbook, Workshops and Concerts $350
    Non-Participant-Three Days excludes PDF Workbook and Workshops $220
    Registration-Single Day includes PDF Workbook, Workshops and Concert $170
    Lodging & Meals
    Rainbow Lodge Shared Room & 3 Meals/Day $410
    Off-Site 3 Meals/Day $235
    Single Day 3 Meals $76

    Cancellation Policy

    If you are not able to attend, we may not be able to refund the entire registration fee. The festival portion of the fee is fully refundable; however we cannot return committed expenses. Any cancellation request must be made to NWAG at Determination of the refund amount will be made after the event, when we have accounted for committed expenses.

    Venue Policy

    Rainbow Lodge Retreat has a no pet policy. More policy information contact Rainbow Lodge at: (425) 888-4181

    Fields with * are required

    Registration Venu Options Workbook Total We are adding a Who's Who attendee list to our printed 2024 PlayBook. Each attendee's Name, Email address and City will be listed. If you do not wish your information listed, Please check the Opt-Out Box

    Copyright NorthWest Autoharp Gathering
    // Copy the Shortcode in the Insertion box below and paste it wherever you want the copyright symbol + year to be displayed. // This will output © 2023 or the current year automatically. echo "© " . date( 'Y' );